Results for 'Antoni Defez MartÍ'

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  1. ¿De qué manera es posible ser un escéptico?Antoni Defez Martín - 2012 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 45:211-222.
    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar qué tipo de respuesta al escepticismo filosófico podemos esperar de los llamados argumentos transcendentales. La conclusión general es que los argumentos transcendentales no son capaces de neutralizar las dudas escépticas en tanto que formulaciones verbales de posibilidades lógicas. Ahora bien, teniendo en cuenta que el escéptico no puede presentar sus dudas significativamente, parece que sólo tiene tres opciones: dudar con la ayuda de un silencio místico, dudar usando las palabras de una manera metafórica (...)
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  2. ¿Que es una creencia?Antoni Defez I. Martín - 2005 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 38 (1):199-221.
    Este artículo se ocupa del problema de cuál pueda ser la naturaleza de la creencia y cuál la mejor explicación de su normatividad. Se analizan diversas teorías que desarrollan el modelo ¿estado más contenido¿, y se presenta como alternativa una concepción de filiación wittgensteiniana que entiende la creencia como acción simbólica y expresiva.
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    Hobbes y el problema del realismo metafísico.Antoni Defez I. Martín - 2002 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 35 (1):273-296.
    En este artículo se propone una interpretación no paradójica de la defensa que hiciera Hobbes del realismo científico de corte materialista. Se trata de explicar cómo este autor pudo defender la verdad del materialismo y, a la vez, negar que ello pudiera ser demostrado metafísicamente. La clave de su posición depende del uso metafórico del concepto de 'imitación' y del tratamiento del poder infinito e irresistible de dios como su atributo filosóficamente relevante. Así, la intención de Hobbes consistiría en decir (...)
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    Realismo sin empirismo.Antoni Defez I. Martín - 1994 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 28 (1):13-26.
    In this paper a non-paradoxical interpretation of Hobbes’s defence of scientific realism of materialistic type is proposed. It attempts to explain how this author was able to defend the truth of materialism and at the same time to deny that it could be demonstrated in a metaphysical way. The key to his position depends on the metaphorical use of the concept of ‘imitation’ and the treatment of the infinite and irresistible power as the philosophically relevant attribute of God. So Hobbes’s (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Creença i realitat en William James.Antoni Defez - 2007 - Comprendre 9 (1-2):97-111.
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    Forma de vida y lenguaje en Wittgenstein.Antoni Defez - 2022 - Pensamiento 78 (298 S. Esp):863-875.
    En este escrito se analiza la significación y el uso filosófico que Wittgenstein dio en su pensamiento maduro al concepto de forma de vida. Así, aunque se señala que Wittgenstein sólo hizo uso de dicho concepto en el contexto de la justificación de la praxis lingüística como límite epistemológico, se enfatiza no obstante que en ese uso ya es posible vislumbrar una cierta concepción antropológica sobre los seres humanos como animales de conducta expresiva, intencional, simbólica, lingüística generadora de reglas y (...)
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  7. ¿de Qué Sujeto Trata La Filosofía Del Segundo Wittgenstein?Antoni Defez - 2009 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 47:83-92.
    En este artículo se analiza cuál pudo haber sido la antropología filosófica del segundo Wittgenstein. La conclusión es que, para el Wittgenstein maduro, los seres humanos son animales expresivos, simbólicos, intencionales, creativos, rituales y ubicados que, a partir de su naturaleza común pero a través socializaciones divergentes, crean significaciones,instituciones, reglas, es decir, realidades intensionales, mundos.
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    Filosofía y silencio en Wittgenstein.Antoni Defez - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 34 (1):77-90.
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    Llenguatge i coneixement en el Cràtil de Plató.Antoni Defez I. Martin - 1997 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 28:123-143.
    La meva intenció en les pàgines següents és analitzar la teoria del llenguatge que es troba en el Cràtil de Plató. D'una banda, s'analitza la concepció del significat de les paraules quePlató sembla defensar en aquest diàleg; de l'altra, s'ocupa del problema dels orígens delllenguatge. Aquestes qüestions s'estudien en relació amb la perspectiva ontològica i epistemològicade Plató: essencialisme, teoria de la reminiscència i les tesis dels sofistes sobre laimpossibilitat de parlar amb falsedat. La conclusió és que en el Cràtil podem (...)
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    Realisme i nació: un assaig de filosofia impura.Antoni Defez - 2009 - Valencia: 3i4 Edicions.
  11. Causalidad e inducción en el Tractatus de Wittgenstein.Antoni Defez - 2008 - Agora 27 (2):41-61.
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  12. Llenguatge i coneixement en el Cràtil de Plató.Antoni Defez - 1997 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:123-143.
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  13. Language and Metaphysical Realism in Locke.Antoni Defez Martin - 2009 - Pensamiento 65 (244):279-295.
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    Inmaterialismo y realismo en Berkeley.Antoni Defez - 2015 - Pensamiento 71 (268):897-908.
    En este trabajo se analizan los argumentos de Berkeley a favor del inmaterialismo. Especial atención se dedica al argumento a priori que subyace en el lema esse est percipi, y sobre todo a la manera en que Berkeley entiende el concepto de existencia y el valor metafísico que otorga a su significación. Asimismo, se explica también cómo este inmaterialismo es un espiritualismo o realismo teológico puesto al servicio de causas apologéticas.
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    An approach to Wittgenstein’s antirealism = Una aproximación al antirrealismo de wittgenstein.Antoni Defez - 2018 - Revista Científica Guillermo de Ockham 15 (1):59-65.
    This article intends to analyze, in general, the romantic roots of Wittgenstein thought and, specifically, what could have been the position of Wittgenstein, especially the second Wittgenstein, on the philosophical problem of the language-reality relationship. No doubt it is a bold exercise, since Wittgenstein did not openly deal with this question, and would have considered it nonsense. However, its elucidation- the idea that Wittgenstein was committed to antirealism- seems to make his conception of language more understandable, and in particular how (...)
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    Unamuno, Descartes y la hipótesis del sueño.Antoni Defez - 2006 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 31 (1):7-20.
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    Ortega y Wittgenstein: no tan lejos.Antoni Defez - 2014 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 39 (2):81-100.
    En este artículo se pretende analizar hasta qué punto las filosofías de Ortega y Wittgenstein compartirían un horizonte filosófico común. En este sentido se presentan, aunque con matices distintos, los siguientes elementos comunes: el rechazo del realismo metafísico y el cientismo, el abandono de la concepción sustancialista del sujeto, la irrupción en la discusión filosófica del significado o el sentido como algo que necesita comprensión o aclaración, la urgencia de solucionar el problema de la autenticidad.
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    Fronts oberts: quatre estudis sobre Wittgenstein, Russell i Heidegger.Antoni Defez - 2020 - Girona: Edicions de la Ela Geminada.
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  19. Pensamiento y lenguaje en el primer Wittgenstein.Antoni Defez - 2000 - Agora 19 (1):153-167.
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    (1 other version)«Dígales que mi vida ha sido maravillosa»: ética y existencia en L. Wittgenstein.Antoni Defez I. Martín - 1994 - Isegoría 9:154-163.
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  21. Cooperación cultural y diversidad cultural.Antoni Nicolau I. Martí - 2009 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 56:26-33.
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    Antoni DEFEZ, Assumptes pendents. 2012.Joan Vergés - 2012 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 48:183.
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  23. Symposium. The Apology Ritual.Christopher Bennett, Edgar Maraguat, J. M. Pérez Bermejo, Antony Duff, J. L. Martí, Sergi Rosell & Constantine Sandis - 2012 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 31 (2).
    Symposium on Christopher Bennet's The Apology Ritual. A Philosophical Theory of Punishment [Cambridge University Press, 2008].
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    DEFEZ, Antoni (2011) Assumptes pendents Publicacions de la Universitat de València, PUV.Tomás Valladolid Bueno - 2012 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 48:183.
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    Wherein is Human Cognition Systematic?Antoni Gomila, David Travieso & Lorena Lobo - 2012 - Minds and Machines 22 (2):101-115.
    The “systematicity argument” has been used to argue for a classical cognitive architecture (Fodor in The Language of Thought. Harvester Press, London, 1975, Why there still has to be a language of thought? In Psychosemantics, appendix. MIT Press, Cambridge, pp 135–154, 1987; Fodor and Pylyshyn in Cognition 28:3–71, 1988; Aizawa in The systematicity arguments. Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht, 2003). From the premises that cognition is systematic and that the best/only explanation of systematicity is compositional structure, it concludes that cognition is (...)
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    Ethical Sensibilities for Practicing Care in Management and Organization Research.Anne Antoni & Haley Beer - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (2):279-294.
    Management and organization researchers are being called to conduct research that is more caring, yet the concept of care and how to practice it within the profession is undertheorized. Adopting a feminist epistemology and methodology, we develop the concept of care by weaving the personal, ethical, and political into the research process. First, we reflect critically on how aspects of care—attentiveness, responsibility, competence, and responsiveness (Tronto, Moral boundaries: a political argument for an ethic of care, Routledge, 1993; Tronto, Caring democracy: (...)
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    Caring or Not Caring for Coworkers? An Empirical Exploration of the Dilemma of Care Allocation in the Workplace.Anne Antoni, Juliane Reinecke & Marianna Fotaki - 2020 - Business Ethics Quarterly 30 (4):447-485.
    ABSTRACTOrganization and management researchers praise the value of care in the workplace. However, they overlook the conflict between caring for work and for coworkers, which resonates with the dilemma of care allocation highlighted by ethicists of care. Through an in-depth qualitative study of two organizations, we examine how this dilemma is confronted in everyday organizational life. We draw on the concept of boundary work to explain how employees negotiate the boundary of their caring responsibilities in ways that grants or denies (...)
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  28. Challenges for artificial cognitive systems.Antoni Gomila & Vincent C. Müller - 2012 - Journal of Cognitive Science 13 (4):452-469.
    The declared goal of this paper is to fill this gap: “... cognitive systems research needs questions or challenges that define progress. The challenges are not (yet more) predictions of the future, but a guideline to what are the aims and what would constitute progress.” – the quotation being from the project description of EUCogII, the project for the European Network for Cognitive Systems within which this formulation of the ‘challenges’ was originally developed ( So, we stick out our neck (...)
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    La filosofía de Isaiah Berlin: de la libertad al liberalismo.Vicente Abril Martínez - 2014 - [València]: Institució Alfons el Magnànim, Diputació de València.
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    Ocho desiderata metodológicos de las teorías sociales normativas.Antoni Domènech Figueras - 1998 - Isegoría: Revista de Filosofía Moral y Política 18:115-141.
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    The functionality of the study of language origin.Antoni Gomila - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):180-182.
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    On the definability of join by means of polynomials in implicative algebras.Antoni Torrens - 1985 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 14 (4):158-162.
    In this paper we see that the answer of this question is affirmative. We prove this for Dco-algebras and as special case we obtain the result for Positive Implication algebras. First we give, without proof, the properties of Dco-algebras and S-algebras and their connection with Positive Implication algebras and Implication algebras. These results can be found in [T] and [IT].
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    Naturalizing Darwall's Second Person Standpoint.Carme Isern-Mas & Antoni Gomila - 2020 - Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Scienc 54:785–804.
    In this paper, we take Darwall’s analytical project of the second-person standpoint as the starting point for a naturalistic project about our moral psychology. In his project, Darwall contends that our moral notions constitutively imply the perspective of second-personal interaction, i.e. the interaction of two mutually recognized agents who make and acknowledge claims on one another. This allows him to explain the distinctive purported authority of morality. Yet a naturalized interpretation of it has potential as an account of our moral (...)
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    Well-Being, More Than a Dream: Women Constructing Metaphors of Strength.Antoni Barnard - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:368898.
    Research on gender inequalities in well-being, attribute lower levels of wellness in women to the burden of multiple role demands, particularly during midlife. Using mostly quantitative measures of subjective well-being (SWB), such studies tend to narrow the concept of well-being and overlook the value of in-depth, context-specific inquiry. Work-life balance is also a consistent causative narrative in studies on women's well-being. Yet, such a narrative frequently emphasizes individual agency in a seemingly unattainable quest, implying an anomaly on how women then (...)
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    Peirce y la ciencia cognitiva.Antoni Gomila - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico:1345-1367.
    In this paper I try to establish the relevance of Peirce's Semeiotics to the conceptual foundations of Cognitive Science. Given Cognitive Science's commitment to the Representational Theory of Mind, I try to clarify the nature of mental representation from the standpoint of Peirce's general theory of signs. As it turns out, mental representations, because of their special role as interpretants of non-mental signs, present especial problems for their interpretation, whose solution Peirce anticipated in a way very close to that developed (...)
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  36. Dios, espíritu y materia, esencia, función, coordinación.Angel Lizarte Martínez - 1944 - [Montevideo,: Editorial Florensa & Lafon].
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    Mersenne and Mixed Mathematics.Antoni Malet & Daniele Cozzoli - 2010 - Perspectives on Science 18 (1):1-8.
  38. Desde el "Dasein" de Heidegger al "hombre en Cristo" según san Pablo.Alfredo Martínez Albiach - 1969 - Burgos,: Ediciones Aldecos.
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  39. Pensamientos sobre educación.José Martí - 1962 - Managua: [Secretaría General del Comité Nacional de Propaganda del Partido Liberal Nacionalista Pro René Schick Gutiérrez]. Edited by René Schick Gutiérrez.
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    Nature Ethics: An Ecofeminist Perspective.Marti Kheel - 2009 - Philosophy Now 75:38-40.
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    Barrow, Wallis, and the Remaking of Seventeenth Century Indivisibles.Antoni Malet - 1997 - Centaurus 39 (1):67-92.
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    Isaac Barrow on the Mathematization of Nature: Theological Voluntarism and the Rise of Geometrical Optics.Antoni Malet - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (2):265-287.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Isaac Barrow on the Mathematization of Nature: Theological Voluntarism and the Rise of Geometrical OpticsAntoni MaletIntroductionIsaac Newton’s Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy embodies a strong program of mathematization that departs both from the mechanical philosophy of Cartesian inspiration and from Boyle’s experimental philosophy. The roots of Newton’s mathematization of nature, this paper aims to demonstrate, are to be found in Isaac Barrow’s (1630–77) philosophy of the mathematical sciences.Barrow’s attitude (...)
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  43. Direct Reference and Definite Descriptions.Genoveva Marti - 2008 - Dialectica 62 (1):43-57.
    According to Donnellan the characteristic mark of a referential use of a definite description is the fact that it can be used to pick out an individual that does not satisfy the attributes in the description. Friends and foes of the referential/attributive distinction have equally dismissed that point as obviously wrong or as a sign that Donnellan's distinction lacks semantic import. I will argue that, on a strict semantic conception of what it is for an expression to be a genuine (...)
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    Ocho desiderata metodológicos de las teorías sociales normativas.Antoni Dümenech - 1998 - Isegoría 18:115-141.
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    La participación del alumnado en centros democráticos de educación secundaria.Antoni Tort Bardolet - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación:52-60.
    A partir del trabajo de campo realizado con el alumnado de educación secundaria del proyecto I+D “Demoskole: Democracia, participación y educación inclusiva en los centros de secundaria”, el presente artículo, en primer lugar, describe el concepto de democracia escolar, para en segundo lugar, dar a conocer qué es y cómo se concibe un centro de educación secundaria democrático a partir del reconocimiento del papel del alumnado.
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    Mapping introspection’s blind spot: Reconstruction of dual-task phenomenology using quantified introspection.Sébastien Marti, Jérôme Sackur, Mariano Sigman & Stanislas Dehaene - 2010 - Cognition 115 (2):303-313.
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    What is a thought experiment?Antoni Gomila - 1991 - Metaphilosophy 22 (1-2):84-92.
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    Pluralism and consensus in deliberative democracy.José Luis Martí - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (5):556-579.
    A central discussion in the theory of deliberative democracy in recent decades has focused on whether democratic deliberation, and consequently those participating in it, should aim, at least ideally, for political consensus. Thus, pluralist deliberative democrats have criticized the consensualist approach to deliberative democracy for neglecting the moral importance of political disagreement because of their fixation with reaching consensus. The debate between these two positions, initiated in the 1990s, has evolved in recent years toward more precision and sophistication. However, some (...)
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    Ethical consumerism and wage levels: Evidence from an experimental market.Giacomo Degli Antoni & Marco Faillo - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (3):875-887.
    Business Ethics, the Environment &Responsibility, Volume 31, Issue 3, Page 875-887, July 2022.
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    Testimony from a Popperian perspective.Antoni Diller - 2008 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 38 (4):419-456.
    Currently, testimony is studied extensively in Anglo-American philosophy. However, most of this work is done from a justificationist perspective in which philosophers try to justify our reliance on testimony in some way. I agree with Popper that justificationism is radically mistaken. Thus, I construct an account of how we respond to testimony that in no way attempts to justify our reliance on it. This account is not a straightforward exegesis of Popper, as he never tackled testimony systematically. It makes use, (...)
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